
Well, the day that I hoped I’d spend drilling the heater barrel for the extruder for my RepRap was instead spent setting up this new blog.  🙂  Long term though I’m sure it’ll be worth it and I’ll be grateful that I started recording my progress so early.

Welcome, everyone reading this! Here you can follow my building and use of a version 2 “mendel” RepRap, and someday I’m sure it’s descendants. While many before me have been forced to design and create their own RepStrap devices to bootstrap themselves into existence, I’m hoping to avoid that and tie all of my sentimental attachment to the main RepRap design, and apply any changes/enhancements I make to that design (so they might help everyone else with a RepRap). I’ve acquired all of the non-RepRap-printed parts I need (except 3 stepper driver boards).

If  I stop typing now, I might be able to make actual progress that I can blog about.  🙂

4 Responses to “Begin!”

  1. Jon Keegan says:

    Looks great on the iPhone!

  2. Carl Parisi says:

    That is cool!

    Gee, I wish I had time/money to waste on cool stuff like this!

  3. jkeegan says:

    That’s why some people have taken years to build them. 🙂 I almost started last year but convinced myself to wait a week, which turned into a month, then a year. I had to throw my hat over the wall at some point. 🙂

  4. Dixie Gamage says:

    Excellent weblog; …thank you for sharing!!

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